Tuesday, May 22, 2007

take the easy way out

It is incredibly easy not to believe.
Not to have faith.Not to have hope. Not to treat people with the assumption that they are worth your time an thoughts.

It is so easy not to believe. So easy that absolutely everybody can do it . On a daily basis.

Stop reading.It is useless

Do you realise that you just spent more than 10 seconds reading this post?
There is absolutely nothing interesting here.You could more wisely use this time by reading a book from a wise man (i recommend "Agonie si Extaz") or giving a hug to someone that needs it.
That is why i am writting...because all the people that could have hugged me now are doing something else.

So stop reading...and create joy.
I stopped writting.A book awaits me near the bed.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

You don't serve the world by beeing

when coming from a beer with a group of true authentic people (former work coleagues) I stumbled across some quotes put on the walls of "Universitate". It was strange to get small pieces of pshilosophy and culture whille waiting for the bus...but i remembered the incredible feeling of self discovery through reading.

The world has no meaning if you don't try to undersand it, and you don't either.The thirst for knowledge, development, growing and doing so by interacting with the world around you (people, books,... ), that is what brings fulfillment.

I miss reading and i wonder how much time did i fulishly spent on other things, how much meaning did i lose for i did not stop to try to understand the moments of my life.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I start this blog for all the wrong reasons.

No sparklig thoughts that i can share, no magic in my words, no pretty pictures of me.

Just an almost painfull feeling of "non-belonginess".
A windchild that has for this evening settled in the virtual space.