Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Something nice is happening to me. I am starting to enjoy to the extend of happiness, the people around me again. I am surrounded by amazing individuals, that are even more amazing by sharing small moments of themselves with me.

Thanks. Thanks for being the bricks in this amazing life of daily wonders.

Thank you Cata for the success of what was only an idea and a gantt chart, thank you Ionut for the sunny park day, thanks Artur for always understanding, thank you Alex for turning 21 and most importantly thank you EB 07/08 for "slefuirea zilnica care m-a adus la cine sunt azi", thank you EB 08/09 for the dreams we have.

Good night my friends.


alexandru toma said...

Bine ai venit in blogsfera:)
Sper sa ne incanti cu posturile tale :)
Hugs dear Oana.

ps: miss u...hope you remember me:)

alexandru toma said...

ups am scris de 2 ori hugs:)